A group of Breathe Right boxes with supporting images

Breathe Right



Breathe Right nasal strips are a well-known sleep aid that mitigates snoring. However, the most loyal consumers are 50+ and awareness among younger consumers is low, causing the growth trajectory to stagnate.


After acquiring Breathe Right, Foundation Consumer Healthcare enlisted Product Ventures to help renovate the brand to increase awareness of its effectiveness beyond that of a sleep aid to make it more relevant to a broader market. New graphics were needed to re-energize the brand with more inclusive on-shelf communication of the product benefits.


Product Ventures tackled the assignment with a consumer-informed work plan to develop a new visual identity that could relaunch the repositioned brand without alienating the current core user. A multi-disciplinary team of designers, researchers and strategists explored a range of concepts that conveyed the end benefit of the product – easy breathing.

The creative process included brand strategy, logo development, iconography, copywriting and mechanical production. After generating designs that spanned a range of evolutionary to revolutionary, selected concepts were brought to life in a retail context with a design architecture constructed to help guide shoppers through the variety of SKU’s, benefits and sizes. Both qualitative and quantitative research was conducted to incorporate consumer preferences and prioritize the most salient brand attributes to communicate.


Product Ventures successfully reimagined the Breathe Right brand with bold, new graphics that pop on-shelf with compelling, more broadly relevant selling points.

We replaced the sleeping imagery with more contemporary, product-focused graphics and vivid color-blocking to create a consistent language that differentiates between SKU’s. The new logo incorporates custom typography that reinforces the product’s effectiveness and end benefit.

Prominent colors, married with telegraphic icons and informative callouts, sets Breathe Right apart and positions the brand for success into the future.

Want to hear more specifics about our process for this project?


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Exciting News: Product Ventures is acquired by CPG private investor group led by Sean Bisceglia