photo of Pantene Pro V package design

Pantene Pro V



Proctor & Gamble aimed to standardize the global aesthetic of the entire range of their Pantene hair care products, presenting consumers with a rejuvenated and cohesive brand message.


Our mission at Product Ventures was to extend the initial bottle aesthetic into a family of 14 different SKUs for Pantene hair care products. Effective collaboration with bottle suppliers in both North America and Europe was critical to ensure all manufacturing needs were met. The challenge also included developing and refining structural bottle forms that could withstand the demands of high-speed production.


Product Ventures addressed these challenges by using an optimization process that leveraged 3D CAD software to fine-tune the bottle aesthetic while simultaneously meeting the rigorous requirements of high-volume production. As we extended the design to 14 different SKUs, it was essential to preserve the structural package design integrity of the bottles. This approach ensured that the aesthetic consistency of the Pantene brand was maintained across the entire product line. Our optimized bottle design and seamless liaison with suppliers enabled efficient high-speed production while preserving the brand’s design integrity across the diverse range of SKUs.


In partnership with Proctor & Gamble and LPK, Product Ventures developed an iconic, premium package design that propelled Pantene® into mega-brand status. This consistent design execution across multiple sizes and orientations provided a powerful brand block. The crown-shaped closure, complemented by a colored ring, enhanced the look, and facilitated product identification. The overall effect was a memorable and upscale brand experience by the consumer.

Want to hear more specifics about our process for this project?


Celebrating 30 Years!

Exciting News: Product Ventures is acquired by CPG private investor group led by Sean Bisceglia