photo of JaxJox Smart Foam Roller product design

JAXJOX Smart Foam Roller



Product Ventures was engaged by JAXJOX to develop the look and feel for the world’s first Smart Foam Roller. This innovative product, part of a line of connected fitness gear that also includes the Interactive Fitness Studio and Smart Kettlebell, aimed to promote an active lifestyle with a focus on muscle recovery within the home setting.


The challenge was to design a Smart Foam Roller that combined both form and function to deliver an effective muscle recovery system. The design had to address the diverse needs of muscle recovery, alleviate muscle soreness, and prevent muscle injury. Furthermore, the product needed to replace standard foam rollers and massagers with a versatile, easy-to-use, and space-saving solution. The Smart Foam Roller’s design had to connect with modern consumers, providing them with a user-friendly experience in line with contemporary fitness trends.


Product Ventures leveraged its expertise to develop visual design and user experience for the JAXJOX Smart Foam Roller. The approach focused on developing an aesthetic that departed from traditional, intimidating fitness gear. The Smart Foam Roller features three distinct massage zones to cater to different muscle recovery options and offers five vibration intensities to support muscle recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and prevent injuries.

This innovative design not only prioritized functionality but also considered ergonomics and user-friendliness, ensuring a seamless user experience. The Smart Foam Roller was designed to connect to smartphones through Bluetooth and integrates with popular fitness platforms like GoogleFit and Apple products. This enabled users to track their workout recoveries using the foam roller’s internal smart sensors, providing them with a convenient way to stay fit and engaged.


The result of this collaboration between Product Ventures and JAXJOX was the world’s first Smart Foam Roller that combined innovative design, user-friendly features, and connectivity for an enhanced muscle recovery experience. The approachable design and ergonomic feel of this connected fitness gear aligned with modern fitness trends, making it an appealing choice for consumers looking to maintain an active lifestyle within the comfort of their homes. The JAXJOX Smart Foam Roller, along with the broader line of fitness gear, provides a user-friendly and effective solution to promote muscle recovery and overall body health.

“The Best Foam Rollers to Buy for Workout Recovery” – Stylist
“Newest Release: Connected Foam Roller” – Gadgets & Wearables
“Revolutionize Recovery with New Foam Roller” – Ox Gadgets

Want to hear more specifics about our process for this project?


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Exciting News: Product Ventures is acquired by CPG private investor group led by Sean Bisceglia